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Wow- what an amazing carnival and summer fair we had yesterday afternoon in the sunshine ☀️


Tomorrow is our carnival and summer fair day! We look forward to performing our dances and to parade across the field. Due to the planned hot weather, the children can come in to school wearing their carnival colours!


Wow- what a great Y6 leavers’ disco we had tonight to celebrate the successes of the year! Well done to our wonderful Y6s! We will miss you! 🎓


Y1 had a fantastic day visiting Kew Gardens yesterday! 🪻🌱


Year 6 performed a fantastic production of ‘The Wizard of Oz’ last night for their parents. We are so proud of our talented and dedicated Year 6s! Well done to you all! 👏🏼🧙‍♂️


Today we are celebrating England getting to the Euro final! We are wearing red and white and taking part in football tournaments! 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿⚽️


Today is Rainbow day! The children can wear their favourite colour and bring in a donation for our summer fair!


The Reception children have enjoyed learning about Bessie Coleman. For this, they read her book and discussed what she did and why it was important. They then made their own passports to play in role as a pilot! 👩‍✈️


Nursery have been busy bird and butterfly spotting! They were looking for mini beasts. 🦋


In art, the Y1 children practiced their weaving skills, inspired by the artist Anni Albers. They considered the size of their paper and what they were weaving and produced some lovely woven patterns.


In science, the children used paper towels to make deciduous and ever green tree leaves.  They then soaked them up in water and observed which one took longer to dry. A great investigation! 🌿


Y6 have been learning about making batik patterns in the style of Bisa Butler 🎨🖌️


Y6 had a great session delivered by learning about Zip cards and safety on public transport- all part of their transition to secondary school!


Y6 have arrived at GoApe and are enjoying the treetop adventure! 🌳🧗


Our year 5 children performing with all Harris year 5 children at the Royal Opera House. What an unforgettable experience! 🎼


We are so impressed with some of the impressive writing about ‘The Giant Turnip’ this week in Reception! 👩‍🌾


Reception have been doing some fantastic writing, thinking about the world around them, and nature! And even a teddy bear’s picnic! 🌿🍁


After school club have been doing some exciting crafts and activities this week!


Y4 Manatee had a wonderful trip to Pizza Express this morning 🍕


In Geography, the children learnt about the world from a globe. The children practiced locating land, oceans, north and south pole. 🌍

Harris Academies
All Academies in our Federation aim to transform the lives of the students they serve by bringing about rapid improvement in examination results, personal development and aspiration.

Central Office

















Information about school lunches

Catering at this academy

The lunch catering service is provided by Chartwells, part of the Compass Group.  Chartwells are a well-established and experienced school caterer. The service is provided under contract with Harris Federation.

This link provides details of the current lunchtime menu service which you can see runs on a three weekly menu cycle.

Don't forget, all primary school children are entitled for free school meals this academic year. 

Your child may be entitled to free school meals. Even if your child does not wish to eat free school meals, but is entitled to them, it's worth applying because for each child entitled to free school meals the Academy could receive funding to help with tuition, resources, coaching and extra assistance. Find out if your child is entitled to free school meals by accessing this link. The meal price value is £2.65.

Here is a link to the Eatwell Guide (from Public Health England) – this provides a useful overview of what food groups make up a balanced and healthy diet.

If your child has a special diet and/or certain food intolerances, then we have a special diet procedure which contains a form for the parent/carer to complete and return – link here. If you would like a medical request form and also the document you need to complete to provide the supporting evidence, please scroll down to the bottom of this page to download the forms.

Click here for Chartwell's Complianace information


951001B63AA6A3E93A212DC7D1367E3DIn an attempt to remove the need for cash and cheques from the Academy we are asking parents to use our e-payment method to pay for school meals, trips, music lessons etc.

This can be done online using a very secure website called ParentPay.


Already have a ParentPay account?

If you already have a ParentPay account, you simply login to that account and add another child via the 'Add a child tab' on your home page. You will need the below activation username and password to do this.

New to ParentPay?

You have a secure online account which is activated using the unique activation username and password provided by the school office. You will be prompted to change the password when you first login. Please note both your Username and Password for future logins.

If you have two or more children at a ParentPay academy or school, you only need to activate one account as your ‘main account’ and then add your other children via the Add a child tab on your home page.

You will now need to visit and activate your account via the Account login area on the home page of this site.

ParentPay holds an electronic record of your payments which can be viewed at a later date. Once you have activated your account you can make online payments straight away.

Please do not hesitate to contact the Academy if you need assistance.

For information relating to the below items, please see the attached documents at the bottom of this page of this page.

  • Forgotten passwords
  • Activate my account
  • Single Account for all my children


Beyond The Chartwells Kitchen (BTCK) 

Beyond The Chartwells Kitchen (BTCK) is a  Nutrition, Health and Food Education Programme.  Designed and delivered by Chartwells registered Nutritionists and expert Chefs, the BTCK Programme ensures that they go further than providing nourishing food within the Harris academies.  They offer a number of workshops, free of charge, within each of the 5 key themes of Nutrition and Health, Mental Wellbeing, Sustainability, Cooking and Food and Sport and Exercise.   With optional food-based activities and flexible workshop length (from forty-five minutes to an hour and a quarter), the sessions can be tailored to suit each academy’s timetable and facilities. As part of the partnership with the Bumblebee Conservation Trust, they have also been delivering Flight of The Bumblebee workshops and assemblies, that have been very well-received so far and convey an important message about the protection of our food supplies.  Click here to view the brochure.

Page Downloads

Title Date  
Medical Diet Evidence Support Form 1 15th Nov 2023 Download
Medical Diet Request Form v1 15th Nov 2023 Download