Nursery Admissions
Contact: Miss S Bowyer
Telephone: 0208 778 4742
Address: Harris Primary Academy Crystal Palace, Malcolm Road, London, SE20 8RH
At present, all three and four year olds are entitled to up to 15 hours of free childcare a week for up to 38 weeks a year, and this entitlement will continue. From September 2017, the government increased free childcare to 30 hours a week (for up to 38 weeks a year). This is part of the Childcare Act 2016. However, this increase will only be available to families who meet certain criteria. Criteria from September 2020 for three and four year olds
Eligibility for the additional free entitlement will include households where:
- All parents (whether two-parent families or lone parents) are working and earning the equivalent of 16 hours a week at the National Minimum or Living Wage (includes income received from tax credits or Universal Credit) and/or:
- One/both parent/s is away on leave (parental, maternal etc.)
- One/both parent/s is on Statutory Sick Pay
- Parents on zero-hours contracts will be eligible, as are those who are registered as self-employed
- One parent is employed and the other parent has either: substantial caring responsibilities and/or disability; is a foster-carer with their own three- and four- year old children
- Parents who are in training will not be eligible as they can receive other Government support
- There is an income cap. If one parent's income exceeds £100K the household will not be eligible
For more information, please visit: and
Admissions Procedure
Please contact the school office if you are interested, or download and complete the Nursery Application Form and return it to the school office. Visits to the Nursery are welcome, please contact the school office to make an appointment.
Nursery Places
We are able to offer a combination of full and part-time, up to 26 places per session.
15 hours eligibility = 3 hours per day, 5 days per week (8:30am -11:30am or 12:30pm -3:30pm)
Full time spaces are available to parents that are entitled to 30 hours funding. To find out if you are eliglibe for funding you will need to apply via the link If you are entitled to 30 hours funding we will charge a fee of £25 per week to cover the extra hour per day. All full time places are subject to 5 days a week.
Nursery Criteria:
- Children looked after, or who have an allocated social worker who has provided written support of the application
- Children who are recommend for a place at that school by the Disability or Locality TAC (Team around the Child)
- Children with professionally supported educational, medical or social needs. When deciding whether a child has an educational, medical or social need, the Principal will consider the child’s needs or circumstances, and supporting evidence from other professionals
- Children with a brother or sister currently attending our school, and who will still be at school when the child is admitted
- Children who live nearest to the school on the basis of distance between the child’s home and the school, measured by a straight line